We are a global community of change-makers who stand at the intersection of personal development and social impact.
OUR mission

The world is in transition.

The systems we have relied upon for centuries are breaking down at an accelerating rate. At the same time, inspiring new possibilities seem closer than ever. We need a new approach and new tools. Now.
Emerging Leaders Project is a leadership incubator for conscious social change.
We empower emerging leaders worldwide to be social change agents by giving them tools and frameworks for personal and social transformation.

ELP was started by an international, multicultural, inter-faith, and interdisciplinary team.

We offer courses, workshops, fellowships, contemplative dojos, and bi-weekly global community calls for leaders to come together to practice, learn and expand their capacity to carry the world through the great transition.

OUR Services

Individual Coaching

Clarify your purpose, achieve your goals, improve your relationships, and become a more effective leader.


We offer 1:1 coaching for leaders grappling with unprecedented change. Our coaches are trained in helping leaders work with emotional intelligence, build collaborative cultures, and think critically about social justice and social change.

Organizational Consulting

Equip your team with adaptive leadership skills to drive revenue, culture, and impact in a rapidly changing world.


We work with teams of all kinds and sizes to promote an environment of collaboration, communication, resilience, and psychological safety. We equip organizations with the tools and skills to thrive in a yet-to-be determined future — and transform unprecedented disruption into unparalleled opportunity.

WHO We'Ve partnered with